Programming is the next English language

English language has long established its most solid ground as the language of the world with its being used everywhere, formally and informally. Obviously, there are other languages right up there with English, but they seem to not be as globally utilized. Spanish, French, and Russian are such included. The Internet agrees with this.

Recently, Chinese language has also been pressed for its significance as China’s economy is at giant status, second only to the United States. Even though this is the case, most Chinese documentations and international communications are done with English as a medium.

Owing to this reality, people who speak English tend to have more opportunities than those who don’t.

Cambodia is one best example to English language domination, although the French-colonized people do acknowledge some emerging languages such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

When the country restored its ultimate stability in 1997, there were not many local English speakers, so job competitions were not that tough for the English language illiterate.

More than a decade later, everyone speaks English, and that’s when the Khmer-language-only Cambodians are usually left out in the job market, especially the white collar one.

Currently, almost all white collar occupations require at least the basic communication in English. The resumes without English qualifications are generally disregarded and eventually thrown away. There are just too many English speakers out there for the little jobs available.

And, I strongly believe this case doesn’t just apply in Cambodia!

I know I have not talked about ‘programming or coding’ yet. Here you go.

We have come a long way with regard to technological evolution, and I mean it in an acceleratingly leap-frogged manner.

There was this computer, there was this Internet, there was this mobile platform (phone and tablet), and ultimately there was this complete human dependency on software.

Now, let’s face it. Software is created to simplify human lives and ease out all human activities imaginable. How many of you are actually using alarm clock on your phone to wake you up every morning? How about what gets you to read this post? The examples go on.

I don’t know about others, but I do see code literacy is in fact on the verge of unchallenged necessity, just like English when the Great Britain and America were to become world’s superpowers, politically and economically.

Note that I don’t mean people are going to communicate in codes, but coding is going to be the fundamental skill, almost as unavoidable as English, on which survival in the job market relies.

Wait, it’s going too long.

Like English, programming is going to be learnt by a lot of people and everyone will say, “I can code.” At that point, the resumes without at least basic code literacy will be less than attractive, if not insignificant.

To the Penhers (Phnom Penh dwellers): let’s make Phnom Penh the next Bangalore, shall we?

Learn to code by yourself via

Before I let you go, please watch this video clip about how code has become so vital in our modern lifestyles.

What do you think? Do you see it differently? Support or correct me in the comment section below.

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